The Trees Spoke to Me! (with cemetery photos)

The tree told me exactly where I needed to go in the cemetery that matched the idea I had in my head for the shoot. How did it tell me? I'm glad you asked! It put the images in my head. It told my body where in the cemetery it was. Instead of saying, "Take a left on the second path", it put the coordinates in my body. I didn’t need directions cos I already knew where it was. I thanked the tree and went on my way.

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How the Apocalypse Changed the Rest of My Life

The most productive use of my time and energy is to rest and see what needs attention next.

So simple but not always that easy (although honestly, sometimes it truly is that easy). I’ve had to unlearn a lot of shit. I’ve had to completely dismantle and redefine what I believe that makes me a valuable person worthy of love (hint: being alive is enough). I’ve had to let go of my future and what I always thought it would be.

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I'm an Expert at Longing But Who Am I Without My Longing?

Welcome to another aspect of my brain my friends. I promise you at this point the longing is more torture than joy. But that’s okay. The fact that I recognize that I'm doing this and how deeply it is embedded in my brain process, is great. Now I can do something with it instead of being subject to it.

This analogy came to me this in my meditation this morning: it's as though I'm trying to grab a thing and instead of just stepping closer to it, I'm reaching and waiting for my arms to grow longer.

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Struggling to Find Meaning, a Full Moon in the Dark Level of Darkness

It felt like a black pit of nothing. Not despair or sadness or even emptiness. It was just..nothing.
So that’s cool..Whatever. I'm fine. My life has absolutely no meaning after years of thinking and believing and really working at building trust in my guts and intuition annnnnnnnd none of it is true. Its all..nothing.
This is getting dark..

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I Was Going to Buy a Car But Bought a Piano Instead and I'm Terrified

The greatest things we do in life, that change us profoundly, also effect those around us in unparalleled ways. Those are often the most terrifying acts we ever do. They are the decisions that make our hearts race while setting our souls free. Once we leap, we realize that our ability to fly was always there, we just had to fucking jump and let ourselves actually fly to see it.

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